Sunday, April 1, 2007

How Small Frisbee Discs Can Explode Any Player's Hitting Ability!

Coach Joe Magno here from Mister Baseball training:

Did you know that Frisbees will improve anyone’s Hitting?

It’s true, when you throw a Frisbee properly, you reinforce the proper way to swing a bat.

How is this? Well, when you throw a Frisbee, you promote a “V” in your front/lead arm exactly like when you swing a bat.

When you throw a Frisbee, your arm angle of your hand also equals the same arm angle of the bat going up when you swing like this.

When you throw a Frisbee properly, you also come up on your toes and shift your weight.

This exactly simulates swinging a bat correctly. If coaches and/or parents have their players work on this each week for 20-30 minutes or more, they will then get the propler feeling of how to swing correctly, not to mention how to properly shift their weight. It's definitely worth the time to practice this.

Therefore, by practicing throwing Frisbees, your son, Daughter, or player(s)learn to:
-throw their hands through the ball as they should
-swing through the plane of the ball
-come up on their toes and shift weight properly

If you go to, you will see how this batting tool continually reinforces this EXACT type of swing to help your child get more quality base hits every time.

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Sunday, March 11, 2007

Fast Pitch Softball Tip #7: Avoid Having Your Back Elbow Up During Batting Drills - This Can Really Shortchange Your Hits In Games

Hi everyone.

I hope you all are having a great week so far.

I’ve been busy running some of weekend softball camps lately, but not too busy to share with you some softball drills and strategies that really prove effective for your teams out there.

Well, Here’s my tip of the day:

Does your child /player(s) “CHICKEN WING” their back elbow when holding the bat?

Please try to get her to not do this!

Did you know that holding a bat with your back elbow up—commonly called “chicken wing”, can work against your child/player(s) success when it comes to hitting?

When your child or player(s) does this, it can really slow down their swing a little bit so they won't hit as hard and far as they can.

You see, there’s a lot of players in softball that are taught techniques or practice drills that really have been proven to be ineffective.

This is one of them. Unfortunately, many softball coaches—especially youth coaches that were either taught this when they were playing ball or followed the advice of others teach this incorrect way to their players or kids.

When players keep their back elbow up, they have a harder time of gripping the bat with their knuckles aligned properly. You see, it is crucial that players grip the bat with their 'knocking' knuckles (the knuckles they use to knock on a door) LINED UP.

If they don't do this, each of their wrists are not bending together 'in sync'.
And if one wrist is bent one way, and another wrist is bending slightly another way, what will happen is that their wrists will "fight" against each other, causing a slower swing--and yes, a shorter hit.

Yet when their 'knocking knuckles' of both hands are lined up when they grip the bat, both wrists will be working perfectly together so they can maximize his or her bat speed, so that when they make contact, the ball will be hit harder.

To see a close up photo of this correct grip, go to in the middle of the page.

You will see from this photo how to have your knuckles lined up properly to add more feet to your hits.Please keep this in mind the next time your child/player(s) takes batting practice.Stay tuned for more upcoming tips, drills, and strategies, or go to to learn more about innovative strategies that can make any player into an all-star.

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